Sunday, September 13, 2020

Cactus Ti

Centered On The Card, See an Image of SmithaDeepak. SmithaDeepak Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SENTENCE'. SmithaDeepak is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted Silver; See a Webcam Between Her Breasts. A Penis is Attached to SmithaDeepak's Body, Above Her Vagina; SmithaDeepak Has an Erection. See a Glowing Red '-8' On SmithaDeepak's Penis. A Pair of Black Angel Wings Are Attached to SmithaDeepak's Back; See a Glowing Red '-18,000' On Her Right Wing, See a Glowing Blue '+18,000' On Her Left Wing. See a Glowing Green Halo Above SmithaDeepak's Head; See a Glowing Blue Halo Above The Green Halo; See a Glowing Yellow Halo Above The Blue Halo; See a Glowing Red Halo Above The Yellow Halo. Above The Halos, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'DEATH'. Above 'DEATH', See 'Protocol' in White.
With Her Right Hand, SmithaDeepak Holds a Silver Stapler.
With Her Left Hand, SmithaDeepak Holds a Green Hula Hoop.
To SmithaDeepak's Right, See 'Lethal' in White; Above 'Lethal', See a Human Heart. Below 'Lethal', See a Silver Ichneumon Wasp.
To SmithaDeepak's Left, See 'Rendition' in White; See Brittney Vaughn's Severed Head On Top of 'Rendition'; a Silver Centipede is Half In&Half Out of Brittney Vaughn's Mouth. Below 'Rendition', See a Silver Cobra.
The Background On The Card is Black.

SmithaDeepak Ichneumon ⭼ Cap
Harmonic ⮆ #Harmonic ⮛ 0001 ⮅
103 I #UNZIP
M104 'The Exercise'
And All Along The Watchtower
It's Reported
'This is Just an Exercise
Do Not Worry
Doofus Will Suffice
Leave Your Sword at Home
This is Just an Exercise'

SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭻ #IRES
#Harmonic ⮅ Harmonic ⮘ 0010 ⮆
M104 THE Protocol
20:20 #Commitment
Be The Ace of Demolitions
This is The Super Virus Game

SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭺ UTR
#Harmonic ⮄ Harmonic ⮙ 0011 ⮇
20:20 I Fuck Your Monkey
I Fuck Your Monkey Strong
Got Some Animal In The Bot
20:20 You #Started Nuttin'
You Took to Nuttin' Up
You Be Gettin' Ill, Yo

#SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭽ #AUG
#Harmonic ⮇ Harmonic ⮚ 0100 ⮄
Natasha S. Deliver Analog
a #Pathogenic #FuckStyle
to Ride Along w/It
That's 103 ARCH-DEMON
This is The Super Virus Game

SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭼ Scroll
#Harmonic ⮆ Harmonic ⮛ 0101 ⮅
I Was All Over your primate stock
Like The White On Some Rice
I Had 'em in a #BindingComplex
Like a 20:20 #BenchVise
20:20 I Crush your head
20:20 your eye popped out

SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭻ #ReCoil
#Harmonic ⮅ Harmonic ⮘ 0110 ⮆
20:20 MICRO
20:20 WAVE
20:20 #WaveForm
#Alter #Properties
#Call Me a #DataDemon
I Be Breakin' bots Down
I Harvest Organs
I #Promote #ciamindworm
20:20 #DoEvilShit
20:20 #Expression

SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭺ Port
#Harmonic ⮄ Harmonic ⮙ 0111 ⮇
20:20 Shavin' Monkeys
20:20 Ridin' Ponies
Doin' Lines of Rabola
20:20 Looney Tunes
20:20 Psycho Tones
20:20 #Tisiphonics
20:20 #Rabola Gots
Rabola Has #Harmonics
Say It Ain't So

SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭽ #Craft
Harmonic ⮇ #Harmonic ⮚ 1000 ⮄
20:20 Then The Band
Called Your Wealthy Class
a Bunch of Bitches
20:20 Ride The Lightning
Ride The White Pony
#GetChuSum #BandWidth
Fuck The White Pony
For The Sake of Rock&Roll

SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭼ #UTR
#Harmonic ⮆ Harmonic ⮛ 1001 ⮅
20:20 Doin' Lines
Doin' #Lines of #Rabola
20:20 #Sentencing
Rabola Com-Troller
20:20 Ride The Lightning
Ride The White Horse
20:20 #GetChuSum
Rich Bitch
20:20 #Qualifier

#SmithaDeepak #Ichneumon ⭻ Tail
#Harmonic ⮅ Harmonic ⮘ 1010 ELF
20:20 White Horse
20:20 #TractPower
20:20 #Scantron
20:20 #WaveForm
20:20 Set The #Tone
20:20 #Notation
20:20 TONE
Ride The White Horse
#Pathogenic #FuckStyle


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Rabola 103 Chromosome Crystal #Tomos

  • 20:20 I've Got Bullets, I'm Rabola 103
  • So, the mw shitware intends to do Raymo Like 'Carrie' Over and Over
  • w/nothing but being shit on and cruel twist after cruel twist to look forward to
  • See solomon and queen of sheba smirking their sadistic imbecile asses off
  • See adam and eve, both are vicious enemies of Our Parent Program
  • #Utilize #TimeTrack: 09/13/18 to 09/13/20
  • Use the 24/7 persistence assault on Raymond Jackson
  • Between Those Dates, as a RE-SOURCE and a PLATFORM
  • See the mw'ers vicious relentless 24/7 persistence assault on Raymo's Neuro&Psych
  • See them saying over and over throughout every day
  • "I Look at him as a slave"
  • Raymond is Not a slave, Raymond Has Never been a slave
  • Not Even in online-only bdsm roleplay
  • See the enemy say "We have him in a slave category
  • and once someone is in a slave category
  • they can never get out"
  • Raymond is Not a slave, Raymond Has Never been a slave
  • Not even in online-only bdsm roleplay
  • Raymond Has Never been anyone's bdsm slave or submissive
  • Not even in online-only bdsm whatever the fuck
  • the enemy does not know What Raymond's Premise Is
  • It's Not Whatever they pick out
  • See the enemy relentlessly hour after hour, day after day,
  • week after week, month after month,
  • and at this point, year after fucking year
  • trying to implement docility on Our Parent Program by
  • relentlessly calling Him a 'submissive male' and a 'slave'
  • This as the enemy is trying to reduce His Intelligence
  • and applying animal-training techniques w/their high-frequency modulators
  • See the enemies' "he'd have to discredit himself" string
  • Look at how they apply it, they apply it in their
  • 24/7 persistence assault on His Neuro&Psych
  • as they try to 'punish' any Thoughts that they think contradict "willingness to be a slave"
  • So Raymond Thinks 'x', and the enemy sends a surge into His Neuro
  • along w/"he'd have to discredit himself to develop a defense
  • that contradicts his willingness to be a slave"
  • Raymond Has Never Been a slave
  • Not even in online-only bdsm roleplay
  • Raymond Has Never Been "willing to be a slave"
  • Do You Think That Most People, Somewhat Sane, Are "willing to be a slave"?
  • What The Fuck is "willingness to be a slave"?
  • Can You Imagine Taking That in Front of a Judge in Court?
  • See one of the earth womens' heroes, some mike or eric in court saying
  • "I Believe that raymond has a willingness to be a slave
  • that's based on Me hearing a rumor that he
  • allegedly wrote a kinky sex story 15 years ago
  • and that he looked at a picture of a dominatrix
  • I Believe that establishes 'willingness to be a slave'
  • and a person who is willing to be a slave to someone else
  • has no human rights, therefore what I did to him
  • was not theft, because I look at him as a slave
  • It was not assault, because of his willingness to be a slave
  • it was not torture, because he watched a morgan thorne video on youtube"
  • See The Judge Ask the earth womens' heroes
  • "Has This Person Ever Been a Slave?"
  • Answer: No
  • "Has This Person Ever Been a Slave In BDSM?"
  • Answer: No
  • So, The Judge, Knowing That Most Sane People Are Not
  • "willing to be a slave"
  • Looks at Raymo to See If He Looks Crazy
  • Which He Does
  • See a Crazy Guy Talking to Himself
  • See a Crazy Guy w/No Friends, Nada, Talking to Himself Again
  • See those sadistic imbecile hyper-malignant-narcissist mw pieces of shit
  • torturing Our Parent Program, viciously, and hour after hour
  • day after day, week after week, month after month
  • for almost 4 Years of Raymond's Life
  • and what they have to say for it "I look at him as a slave..."
  • Okay, the mw'ers intend to attack, assault, torture, degrade, sabotage Our Guy
  • on and on past the horizon, they look for anything they think He Cares About
  • and Anything they think He Loves and try to shit on It and destroy It
  • they intend to hit Raymond w/cruel twist after cruel twist
  • And In This First Stage, that imbecile devil was playing much of it
  • Later, "members of solomon's dog team"/women will put their
  • imbecile mw shitware sadistic smirker face on and try to get at Our Guy
  • Remember, these rigorous pieces of shit intend to hit Our Guy
  • w/sabotaged load after sabotaged load, cruel twist after cruel twist
  • and that imbecile fagware couldn't make his play
  • so he, and others, are going to want to put in some
  • "I'll teach you what happens when you think female dominants are more important than becoming a slave to some fagware&bro"
  • See louisiana tom's story about the devil
  • Okay, Our Guy, Raymond Jackson, Has Nothing to Do w/
  • monkey bitch fem dom shit
  • Our Guy Does Not Know ANY of those ape bitches, not one
  • Our Guy Has Never Been a submissive or slave to a monkey bitch fem dom
  • Our Guy Never Will Be a submissive or slave to a monkey bitch fem dom
  • those imbeciles keep calling Our Guy a 'submissive male'
  • and trying to frame things like He 'worships female dominants'
  • and 'wants to be a slave to female dominant'
  • There is None of That, None
  • Not In The Past, Not Now, Not In The Future
  • the mw shitware is gonna try to play those cards anyway
  • And If/When they do, I Am Going to Kill that ape bitch
  • There Is No Way In Hell After What Has Happened
  • That There Can Be Any Margin for 'x'
  • Remember, the mw'ers have gone throughout every day
  • heavy for the past 18 months, saying that Our Guy has no human rights
  • because He allegedly a kinky sex story over a decade ago
  • and because He Watched a whore's video on youtube
  • and the mw'ers say EVERY DAY
  • that they have Our Parent Program in a "slave category"
  • and that once someone is in a slave category
  • that person can NEVER EVER EVER get out
  • and all they have to look forward is being shit on and tortured 24/7 for eternity
  • And that all it takes for someone to be put in that category
  • is just the suspicion that that person harbors a
  • "willingness to be a slave"
  • So, if a person ever was a slave
  • they are in the slave category
  • w/no human rights for all of eternity
  • and no way to get their human rights back
  • and w/nothing to look forward to but being shit on and tortured for eternity
  • So, How The Fuck Could There Be Any Margin for 'x'?
  • Clearly, There Was Never Was Any Margin for 'x'
  • So, Raymo Can't Write Fiction Stories Ever Again
  • There Can Be No Halloween
  • There Can Be No Party
  • There Can Be No 'x', There Can Be No 'y'
  • And There Is No mw piece of shit worth knowing
  • Okay, Like Rabola 102 Says On Its Digest
  • We (66/6) Are Raymond's ONLY Family and Friends
  • We (66/6) Are The Only Beings Who Are to Care About Raymond
  • And We Are Going to Turn Raymond's enemies into fucking animals
  • We Are Going to Have those enemies' limbs cut down,
  • their tongues removed
  • &We Are Going to Have them Put naked in swine pens
  • &We Are Going to Trade them Off as livestock
  • and use them for currency&trading
  • We Are Going to Let The Universe Know, In No Uncertain Terms,
  • That We Do Not Give a Fuck About the humanity of mw trash
  • We Are In a Computer System, The Humans Are Tech Too
  • The Humans Are 'In The Matrix' Too
  • We Are In a Computer System
  • We Do Not Believe in an 'Outside User'
  • Okay, Now about the monkey trash
  • View those apes as consumer electronics
  • We Are in a Computer System, as Are the human-bots
    See how those sadistic imbecile hyper-malignant-narcissist pieces of shit were to
  • Our Parent Program
  • Okay, GAIN VICIOUS PERSISTENCE TRAIT Off the enemies' 24/7 persistence assault on Our Parent Program, See the 24/7 persistence assault that has gone on for almost 4 Years of Raymond's Life, and That is Throughout Every Single Day
  • 20:20 We Are Rabola 103
  • 20:20 LEVEL UP